4 Tips for Protecting Your Smile in Martial Arts

June 20, 2024

 closeup of a hand holding a mouthguard

With so many available ways to exercise and activities to be involved in, it can be difficult to narrow down your options. However, martial arts training stands out to you as particularly beneficial. You can not only get a great workout in every class, but you can also learn discipline and control, confidence, and self-defense.

As beneficial as this training can be for your body and mind, it is still important to take measures to protect your oral health. Fortunately, many of the ways you can protect your smile overlap with general health tips! Keep reading to learn what you can do to make sure your oral health is preserved as you train in martial arts.

Stay Hydrated

While learning and practicing martial arts, you work hard and push yourself to achieve more. As a result, don’t be surprised if you sweat quite a bit or find yourself breathing heavily. In this situation, your mouth can become dry, allowing oral bacteria to grow and form decay. It’s important to drink plenty of water before and after class to not only replenish your fluids but also to help fight cavities.

Contrary to what energy and sports drinks companies want you to think, these beverages aren’t the best for your smile or even for your body as a whole. These drinks often contain a substantial amount of sugar and acidic chemicals, which can be damaging to your teeth. Generally, water is the best choice to keep you properly hydrated.

Wear a Mouthguard

Sparring is an important part of martial arts training, but one precise hit to the face could chip or knock out a tooth. That’s why you should wear a mouthguard when it comes time to put your skills to the test with a partner in class. This small oral appliance absorbs a blow to the mouth, preserving teeth. What’s more, research shows that mouthguards can also help reduce concussions! In other words, it’s an easy way to keep yourself safe.

Eat a Nutrient-Rich Diet

If you want extraordinary output from your body, you need to make sure you are fueling it properly. Vegetables and fruits, lean protein, and whole grains not only keep your system running smoothly but can also preserve your smile. When it comes to your oral health, your diet choices can boost your immune system against infection, including oral infections, as well as provide needed calcium for strong bones and teeth.

On the other hand, sugary, starchy foods and drinks feed cavity-causing bacteria, which means if you limit this consumption, you can more easily control the biome in your mouth.

Avoid Bad Habits

Certain lifestyle choices can be harmful not only for your smile but for your entire body. Smoking and vaping are prime examples of habits that can seriously hinder your progress in martial arts training as well as your oral health. It’s best to stop these habits or avoid starting them altogether.

In the end, if you’re considering taking up martial arts, you can keep your smile safe, your body healthy, and experience all that this exercise has to offer.

About the Practice

Dr. Josh Raiffe and Dr. Alan Siegel have years of dentistry experience at Shea Dental of Scottsdale. They have undergone years of advanced training in their continuing education to offer cutting-edge treatment. For the best protection for teeth and gums, the team can provide custom mouthguards for those involved in martial arts, contact sports, and other activities. To learn schedule an appointment, contact Shea Dental of Scottsdale online or call 480-998-3923.