Ozone Therapy: The Safe & Non-Invasive Form of Disinfection  

February 22, 2024

Shea Dental's ozone therapy machine

Holistic dentistry is the practice of using biocompatible, minimally invasive techniques and treatments to tackle dental health problems and prevent them from occurring. That’s why you’ll see that some of the most modern holistic dental practices offer ozone therapy, a safe, natural way to disinfect and treat problems like cavities. Read on to learn more about this amazing dental technology and how it may be able to benefit you!

What is Ozone Therapy?

Ozone therapy is a 100% natural method that holistic dentists use to prevent and reduce symptoms of infection, like inflammation, sensitivity, and redness. It can be used to clean around teeth that are at a high risk of infection, like those that have received root canals in the past, as well as to treat the early signs of cavities, helping conservatively tackle common concerns without requiring the permanent alteration of your dental structure. It can be administered in a liquid or gas form to help kill harmful oral bacteria.

How Does Ozone Therapy Work?

Ozone therapy is actually very simple – it involves breathing in a concentrated form of oxygen, called ozone gas, that has a natural ability to disinfect and aid the body in healing. It has demonstrated therapeutic uses in a variety of areas of medicine outside of dentistry as well. It’s most commonly used in Europe and South America, but it’s becoming a more popular option for patients in America who are looking for safe, natural ways to treat dental problems instead of having extensive work done.

By breathing in or having the ozone gas directly administered, it can help reverse early signs of periodontal disease, prevent cavities, and be used to clean around previously treated teeth to avoid reinfection. You never know, it could be the difference between tooth loss and enjoying a whole smile in the future!

The Many Benefits of Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy can offer patients a wide range of benefits, especially those who are leery of more invasive dental practices and treatments. Some of these advantages include:

  • It offers a minimally invasive alternative to more extensive treatments like dental crowns.
  • It’s completely pain-free and can aid in treating tooth sensitivity.
  • After a dental extraction, root canal, or other treatment, ozone therapy can help aid in healing.
  • It can be used to prevent and treat common dental infections like gum disease, which is a top cause of tooth loss.

The best way to learn whether ozone therapy is right for you is to speak with your holistic dentist. Based on your oral and overall health history, they can help you decide whether it’s a worthwhile investment!

About the Author

Dr. Josh Raiffe is a passionate holistic dentist who employs the latest proven techniques and treatment methods in his practice, like ozone therapy. He has completed additional specialized training in dental ozone therapy held by leaders in the field, and he loves to provide his patients with a non-invasive, natural, and safe way to tackle dental infections and decay. For questions or to schedule an appointment, visit Shea Dental of Scottsdale’s website or call 480-998-3923.